About Us
"Building the capacities of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people."
Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Inc. (BBWPC) is a statewide radical feminist non-profit that organizes with Black and Brown advocates and their communities across the state of Wisconsin. Our mission is to build the capacity of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer, and trans folx and young people. Through leadership development, technical assistance services, building of strong, connected, and supported networks, and being visible we will build a radical BIPOC womyn, Queer, and Femme led feminist movement in Wisconsin to end gender based violence.
"We envision a bold healthy community lead by liberated and powerful Black, Brown, womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people."
Our mission is the build the capacities of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people. We envision a bold healthy community lead by liberated and powerful Black, Brown, womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people. Our Core Guiding Values are informed by life-long advocates working to end gender-based violence with a belief that those most impacted should lead the work.
Our Core Guiding Principles:
Collective Liberation
Violence against womyn, girls, and queer and trans folx are rooted in white supremacy and patriarchy. In order to create a world free of violence, we must center, uplift, invest, and empower the leaderships of those most impacted including Black and Brown QTI folx, victims and survivors, and advocates. We are unable to reach liberation unless those most impacted, including Black QTI, survivors, victims, and advocates see themselves as a part of the movement to end violence in our community.
Transformative Change
As a victim and survivor-centered organization, we are committed to redefining, recreating, and reimagining what justice looks like for individuals and communities who have and continue to experience violence. This includes building and creating alternatives to justice that are led by our communities and their needs without replicating or relying on systems of harm. This will require us to constantly reimagine and create the world we wish to see. As a part of transformative change, we understand and are committed to creating space for accountability and being held accountable by the communities we serve. We see accountability as an act of love and the utmost demonstration of trust-building. We believe that solutions are rooted in communities and reject punishment and the carceral system.
Honoring those who came before us and making space for those who come after us.
We honor the work and labor of those who came before us and are committed to making space for those who come after us in this work. In doing so, we invest in the leadership and voices of young people to create new ways to end violence against Black and Brown womyn, QTI folx and young people.
The Wisconsin Family Strengthening Helpline (Helpline) is a Hmong-English bilingual Helpline serving domestic violence and sexual assault providers, advocates, victims and survivors as well as the general public with culturally-specific resources. We are the only Hmong-English bilingual Helpline in the state of Wisconsin and nationally.
The Wisconsin Womyn Training Institute is a learning institute designed for and by advocates to provide culturally specific and relevant training for new and seasoned advocates with a goal of building their capacities based on lessons learned and practice and research-informed skills.
Statewide, we provide Hmong Victim Services Support and Technical Assistance and support to victim service providers, advocates and their communities.
Through the Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline and the Hmong Victim Services TA, we provide peer mentoring between new and seasoned advocates, new and seasoned managers and directors of culturally-specific programs and agencies, capacity building for agencies serving Southeast Asians, queer and trans folx, and young people, as well as support and provide consultation for providers.
Meet our team to learn why we are passionate about our work.
We believe all womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Build the capacities of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people.

Our Vision
The Coalition envision a bold healthy community lead by liberated and powerful Black, Brown, womyn, queer and trans folx, and young people.