membership benefits
Organizational Membership
Organization members are entire organizations or agencies that provide domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) direct services.
Benefits include (for the entire staff of the organization):
In-depth technical assistance and training opportunities.
Free or reduced rates to the Wisconsin Womyn Training Institute’s trainings and retreats.
Priority scholarship opportunities for grant-funded trainings and retreats.
Connect new domestic violence/sexual assault advocates, culturally specific directors and executive directors to their peers across the state for networking and support.
Monthly check-in and support for executive directors of Hmong womyn led organizations.
Bi-Monthly support and building for Hmong Directors with our Hmong Directors Meetings.
Monthly support and building for BIPOC Sexual Assault Advocates with our BIPOC SA Circle.
Quarterly strategic programming planning for bilingual advocates who identify as Southeast Asian with our Southeast Asian Advocates Network meetings.
Access to the members only section of our website which include tool kits and information for new advocates, culturally specific publications, resources and best practices and access to the WI Family Strengthening Helpline data and outreach materials.
Site visits to connect with staff and learn about programs.
Opportunities to serve on our Board of Directors.
Support the mission and vision of the Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Inc.
Recommended Participation:
Regular attendance to role-specific support spaces hosted by BBWPC
Attendance to two (2) BBWPC-hosted trainings
Attendance to the annual membership meeting
Scheduled Site-Visit
Program Advocates
Program Advocates are individuals who work for a DV/SA agency or organization and provide direct services to victims and survivors. DV/SA organizations who do not have an organizational membership can choose to have individual program advocates sign up for a membership.
Benefits include:
In-depth technical assistance and training opportunities.
Connect with new domestic violence/sexual assault advocates, culturally specific directors and executive directors to their peers across the state for networking and support.
Monthly support and building for BIPOC Sexual Assault Advocates with our BIPOC SA Circle.
Quarterly strategic programming planning for bilingual advocates who identify as Southeast Asian with our Southeast Asian Advocates Network meetings.
Support the mission and vision of the Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Inc.
Recommended Participation:
Regular attendance to role-specific support spaces hosted by BBWPC
Attendance to two (2) BBWPC-hosted trainings
Individual Members
Individual Members are those who are engaged in their own communities and want to build their analysis and skills in the gender justice movement. This tier is beneficial to individuals who may not be a part of a victim service organization but are interested in becoming advocates.
Benefits include:
Consultation with BBWPC staff to develop programming and training opportunities towards advocacy work
Invitation and reduced rates to BBWPC-led advocacy school training
Support the mission and vision of the Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Inc.
Attendance to the annual membership meeting
Recommended Participation:
Check-ins with BBWPC to create connections and build relationships
Supporters & Allies
Supporters and allies are individuals who support our mission and vision.
Benefits include:
Newsletter updates about the organization
Support the mission and vision of the Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Inc.
Attendance to the annual membership meeting